Saturday, December 12, 2009

And all the other

I've been thinking too much of what to write on my first post on this blog. I couldn't decide if I should start it with a "Hello!" greeting with my name added after or to immediately begin it with one of the matters that I've always wanted to talk about.

But knowing the fact that noone actually cares to whatever I want to write and on how should I start it, I decided not to be bothered of thinking it anymore and just write the most comfortable "matters" for me to write about. And so, here it goes....

My first name is Jerome; and my level of realization has ceased my interest of knowing whatever rational reasons my parents had come up to choose this name for me. I realized it is not anymore the sort of thing I should be concerned of. It does not belong to me anymore. It's for the people with younger and dreaming minds; and I consider myself no longer one of them.

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